A downloadable game

* Aim - Rescue all the  scratchlings(1 per level)... Thus far there's only 4 levels 

* Controls - Cursor keys to move (left & right), up to jump. down while in the air to ground pound. Jump against a wall then jump again to wall jump/kick. If near the top ledge of a wall Scratch will cling on (from where you can either climb up, jump off or drop down).

Notes - See how many rings you can collect on your way, and whether you can get that possibly hidden or hard to get to Mega ring on each level.  Some enemies can be stomped on, prickly ones and spiders can't (at present).  Don't fall off the bottom of the level... instant life lost.

pc version:https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/510795523/

this is not a mobile freindly game

the embedded code :


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also the rings are for peach